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Dance Your Life

Dance Your Life and Discover the Wisdom of Your Heart Through Dance in Devon: Join Our Transformative 4-Hour Dance Journey!

A transformative 4-hour therapeutic dance experience designed to bridge the gap between mind and heart, guiding you to the depths of your soul and unlocking the healing potential within.

What is Dance Your Life (DYL)

Dance Your Life is a free-flowing, semi-structure dance that can have profound therapeutic effects. It can be an exploration of your body, mind, and soul through movement. Unlike traditional dance forms, there are no rigid choreographies or set steps to follow. Instead, it's a liberating practice that allows you to express yourself authentically, become more aware of your patterns of relating, and release any emotional or physical blockages in a safe and supportive space.


Intense emotions and new experiences can have a profound impact on the brain's neural pathways, leading to the formation of new connections and the strengthening of existing ones. Within the Dance Your Life journeys, a sacred space is provided for you to embark on new experiences through the suggested exercises, accompanied by evocative music and the collective energy of the group. This harmonious fusion can evoke intense emotions, creating a fertile ground for your brain to believe in new possibilities that can transform your life. When you genuinely believe in the possibility of new experiences, because you are feeling them in your body, it is merely a matter of time before they manifest into your reality. 


You will be invited to dance individually, in pairs or in groups, but it is an invitation, and nothing is forced in the journeys. You can follow your own body and create a parallel dance, according to your needs.


Theme - The Secret of Your Heart

Harmonising Your Heart and Your Brain & Collective Connection

Should I listen to my heart or my mind? We often ask ourselves this question. We tend to believe our mind is in our brains, something that is now being challenged by new research. But we wonder if we should follow one or the other. "The Secret of Your Heart" journey invites you to explore these questions and tap into the transformative power of the heart, uncovering its deep-seated wisdom and innate healing potential. You will have the chance to learn how to synchronise your heart and your brain's energy, and synchronise with the collective energy of the all the hearts in the group, embarking on a journey of profound discovery and deep emotional healing.


The idea is to foster a unique connection, not just with ourselves but also with those around us, and ultimately with the Earth. By integrating therapeutic dance with guided introspection, we create a space where the heart's whispers may become clear, guiding us towards authenticity, and healing.

Why The Secret of My Heart Journey is a Must-Attend?

1 / Personal Growth

Align your mind, body, and soul, forging a path towards profound personal growth in an environment that is sometimes light-hearted, sometimes deep.

2 / Authentic Connections

Engage in genuine heart connections, both with yourself and with fellow participants, learning a tool that you can use anywhere at anytime.

3 / Release & Healing

Dance has the power to release pent-up emotions, aiding in healing past traumas and clearing blockages. Feeling a safe enough space, your body can finally let go, and a new you can emerge.

4 / Guided by Expertise

As an accredited psychotherapist and conscious dance facilitator, I've crafted a transformative experience that combines the benefits of therapeutic dance and the safety of psychotherapy.

What's In Store For You?

Our 4-Hour Dance Your Life Journey is carefully designed to take you on a transformational adventure. You can expect:


Guided Dance Journey: Experience a semi-structured therapeutic dance session, infused with exotic, eclectic, and spiritual music that resonates deeply.


Heart-Centred Meditation: Dive into meditative practices that lead you to synchronise your heart and and your brain, blending their unique wisdom. 


Somatic Exploration: Delve into the physical sensations, feelings, and intuitive wisdom of your body, discovering new facets of your emotional landscape.


Nourishment Breaks: During the dance workshop, we'll have scheduled breaks for you to rest, hydrate, and nourish your body and soul.


Sharing & Reflection: Connect with like-minded individuals, share your experiences, and bask in collective energy, all in a safe and nurturing environment.


Everyone is welcome to this conscious dance workshop in Devon which will be tailored to the group of dancers attending. Whether you're new to this type of dance or have years of experience, the Dance Your Life journey is designed to accommodate all levels.

Who Can Participate?

Embark on a Heartfelt Journey with Dance!

Dive deep into the rhythms of conscious dance in Devon at "The Secret of Your Heart" workshop. Uncover the wisdom and healing capabilities of your heart, harmonise with the energy of your mind, and feel the synchronicity with others. Secure your spot today and prepare to be transported to a realm of emotional exploration and profound self-discovery. Don't just dance—feel, connect, and heal.



Saturday, 27th Apr
10am -  2:30pm

Holcombe Village Hall (TBC)

You will need a yoga mat and possibly a cushion. A blanket can be useful, but it is optional.

How Much

£28 (Early Bird till 20th April)

£35 (Standard)


Please email me to book your space. You can pay in advance using this QR Code or on the day. You can also email me, and I will send you my bank details for a bank transfer.

Your Facilitator

Maria Alda Gomez Otero

Dance of Awareness facilitator and full-time psychotherapist Maria Alda Gomez Otero is passionate about empowering individuals to live a fulfilled and joyous life. She endeavours to create transformative experiences that promote self-discovery, growth, and holistic well-being.

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​Are you prepared to uncover the heart's hidden wisdom and embrace a transformative journey to healing and connection? Secure your spot today with Alda at Let's dance to the rhythm of the heart's secrets together!


This is what previous participants in this workshop have said about it.

​To be honest, the workshop started as a rather challenging experience as I was torn between my thoughts and my feelings: the mind and the heart, society and myself, what was expected and what I wanted.
However, thanks to the variety of exercises the workshop included, my Energy raised throughout the class while my heart opened up more and I finished the workshop feeling acceptance: I accepted my feelings and I felt accepted with them. I Believe the workshop led me to the secret of my heart. Thank you, Alda, for that unique experience.

Andrée, Dublin

The workshop was a beautiful experience. As a dancer, it was lovely to see how our bodies communicate at different stages of life.
Little did I know the ability of our bodies to communicate, learn, express and release so easily.
The workshop was flowy, smooth and rich at the same time.

Ishika, Dublin

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